Jupiter Pluto Conjunct 2020
These Powerhouses Form An Exact Conjunction For The Third And Final Time This Year In Capricorn.
Keep in mind Jupiter and Pluto have been close together for much of 2020 and are one of the key complexes of this year, with a range of potent and varying significations.
Is power worthwhile for its own sake, for glory?
Or are you using it as an attempt to escape from fear and to control the world around you?
Can you look at the mess in front you honestly, in the light of truth and use this energy, this power for growth and change?
During this year many have struggled to do the latter and instead grappled with a powerless attempt to control.
Jupiter and Pluto won't meet together again until 2033 and then it won't be in the sign of the goat.
2020 has been a unique time in our evolution and highlights how our society functions.
How we behave when things go topsy turvy.
It's shown us fear, inequality and the skeletons in the political and corporate closets.
This exact meeting of the biggest, brightest planet with the darkest and smallest highlights and can exaggerate what lies behind closed doors.
These signs together are representative of incredible wealth for the few and bring into question the lack of justice for the majority who struggle to survive.
This aspect is an invitation to see how things actually are.
It can be dark, but there is hope too.
Because with open eyes we can see where reform is necessary.
The truth can look ugly.
These planets are meeting in Saturn's territory in the sign of Capricorn.
Representing the system and patriarchal structures underlying government and political framework.
The Old World.
There can be extremes of increase and loss in the society.
Keep a calm watchful eye and stay out of YouTube rabbit holes.
Stay real and be kind.