meet danielle ashley
Danielle is a passionate astrologer, healthcare practitioner, teacher, and writer, currently completing her first book.
Blending astrology, integrative healthcare, and holistic wellness, Danielle helps people understand their personal journeys and take charge of their well-being with practical strategies.
She’s a lifelong learner with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, with a strong drive to help others— individually and collectively.
Danielle is the founder of the Kindness Community, a charitable organisation that supports people experiencing homelessness. She works to foster a sense of connection within the community and to create meaningful change.
Do you believe in destiny?
Danielle was just beginning to read and write when her mother first introduced her to astrology. They would spend hours together casting charts together and discussing the planets. Danielle developed an interest in health in her early teens, learning about nutrition and healing in order to support her mother during a health crisis.
By the time she was an adult, she set out to test the accuracy of astrology on people she met in bars and clubs. Armed with an ephemeris—a book of planetary positions—she would chart the stars of those she’d meet, with impressive results.
She started studying natural medicine at 21 years old and has cultivated a rich foundation of knowledge since, across a range of different health sciences and traditional medicine modalities.
Danielle has a special interest in traditional predictive astrology techniques, medical astrology & classical acupuncture.
She is dedicated to holistic health practices and sharing astrological wisdom .
Danielle’s first formal studies were in psychological astrology with Astro-Synthesis
completed Chris Brennan’s Hellenistic Astrology course
completed Helene Avelar’s Traditional Synastry & Relationship Astrology Course
Completed studies in predictive astrology with ben dykes
Completed the STA (School of Traditional Astrology) Horary Astrology Course with deb houlding
Completed STA Practitioners Level Traditional Medical Astrology Course, with Lee Lehman
completed sky & meridian & Astro herbalism courses with dr will morris
completed astro herbalism course with dr will morris
Attends weekly clinical mentoring with Dr will morris
Registered Chinese medicine practitioner AHPRA
Chinese herbalist, acupuncturist & health advisor
Diploma of Health Science, Naturopathy at ACNM 2004-2005
double Health Science degree TCm in acupuncture & Chinese herbal medicine at Southern School of Natural Therapies-2006-2010
Completed internship at Shuguang Hospital in Shanghai -2010
founded nutritional supplement endorsed by richard branson -2011-2016
Graduate diploma of Nutritional Medicine Deakin University-2015
completed sean tuten’s classical acupuncture mentorship program- 2024
Danielle creates personalized holistic health programs that blend medical astrology with Chinese medicine and nutrition.
Her services are available via Zoom or in person at her clinic in Kallista, located in the stunning Dandenong Ranges.
Happiness is best shared
Danielle founded the Kindness Community in 2020 in response to the rising food insecurity in the community during the pandemic.
Since its launch, the Kindness Community has served over 63,000 hot meals to those in need (current 1 Feb 2025).
Every week, it is a privilege to spread kindness, good cheer, and healthy food far and wide!